• Cognitive Rehabilitation

    Cognitive Rehabilitation provides evidence-based interventions designed to improve and restore the following skills: memory, attention, problem solving and language.

    Individuals who have experienced a traumatic brain injury, stroke or neurological impairments may benefit.

  • Executive Function Coaching

    Executive functions are the CEO of the Brain. They are the cognitive skills that involve planning, organization, time management and regulation of emotions.

    Individuals with ADHD, post-concussive syndrome and mental health disorders may benefit from executive function coaching.

  • Supportive Book Club

    Book clubs are a great way to connect with others and improve cognitive skills. Reading strengthens connections in the brain and improves attention and memory skills.

    Clarity Brain Wellness offers a supportive book club for those living with language, speech and/or cognitive deficits resulting from neurological impairments.

  • Brain Health Education

    The food we eat, our quality of sleep, the people we surround ourselves with and the way we handle stress all impact brain wellness.

    Understanding the relationship between these factors help to improve brain health. Clarity Brain Wellness provides individual and group training on brain wellness.

  • Return to Work & School Re-Entry

    After a brain injury or new diagnosis, return to work and school may be challenging. Changes in cognition, emotions and behaviors may arise.

    Clarity Brain Wellness identifies specific supports and accommodations that may be beneficial for the work and school environment. We also offer education and counseling to colleagues and staff.

  • Sleep Hygiene Tips

  •   "I had obvious cognitive dysfunction due to a Traumatic Brain Injury from a bicycle accident.  With Rachael's skilled therapy, people say I am back to normal or did not know I had an accident.  This was once an unthinkable result."

    J. L. Clarity Client

  • "I was diagnosed with a rare neurological disease. My life flipped upside down overnight. I worked with Alison to help regain my skills and work on tactics that would set me up for success. Alison and I worked a lot on being patient, staying organized and the importance of balance and rest. She helped me to focus on my end goal while still living in the now."

    O.L. Clarity Client

  • "Rachael met with our leadership team to develop a workshop for our after-school teachers, with the goal of increasing their productivity.  She presented a variety of resources including time management strategies, planning and brainstorming techniques, and ideas to break down tasks.  Rachael asked the group questions, was very intuitive and individualized her suggestions to meet the needs of our group.  In addition, she personally consulted with teachers in need of more concentrated support.  We found the information to be very helpful to our team. "

    Teacher Training; USES- South End ,Boston

Get in Touch

Contact Clarity Brain Wellness to schedule a free 15-minute consultation